Convert PDF to Grayscale

Convert your color PDF to black and white online instantly

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Make PDF Black and White with Ease

Easily Edit PDF Files

Convert your PDF to grayscale easily with CocoDoc. Just upload the document, and you will be easily guided to get the final file as a grayscale PDF.

Easy to Use

Navigating through the process is very easy. You won't even have to install any software or sign up. Just click on the page, upload the PDF, and you will get your PDF in black and white in no time.

Converts All Colours

All the colors in your PDF will be converted to black and white in the result. Do away with patchy spots or irregular coloring in your PDFs with our online tool.

Compressed Size

When your PDF is converted to black and white, the size of the PDF reduces as well. The compressed file makes it easier to share and save.

Add Passwords to Protect the File

Through CocoDoc's online tool, you can add passwords to your PDF to protect it. This increases the security of your document.


In addition to having passwords, we protect your PDFs in other ways as well. All the files are deleted from our servers automatically after 24 hours.

How to Convert PDF to Grayscale Online?

  • To make PDF black and white online, use our Convert PDF to Grayscale Online tool. Upload your PDF on CocoDoc.
  • Click on the Print Production panel and choose to convert the colors. To match the colors, go for the options from the 'Object Type' drop-down.
  • Pick the default option if you don't have any specifications. Download and save the grayscale PDF to send, share, and more.

Grayscale Converter FAQ

Can my PDF be accessed by anyone else?
No, not at all. Your safety and security is our primary concern. All the files are deleted from CocoDoc's server after 24 hours.
Will all the colors from my PDF be converted to black and white?
Yes, all the colors in your PDF will be converted to grayscale or black and white, depending on your preference. You won't be able to see any irregular patches or spots of color.
I want to add more security to my document. How can I do so?
We make sure all the files get deleted automatically after a day. CocoDoc also enables you to add passwords to your PDFs to increase security.

Learn with CocoDoc

How to Unlock PDF Online

We have ways to unlock PDF and access the locked content. Use CocoDoc to unlock PDF online within minutes. Other methods include the Acrobat option.

How to Encrypt a PDF

If you want to learn how to encrypt your PDF, give this article a read!

How to Draw on a PDF?

If you want to find out how to draw on a PDF online, here's the perfect guide for you.

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